Tridekon is a company, located near Neepawa, MB Canada, that manufactures Cropsavers and Grain Bag Extractors. Our Team at Tridekon prides ourselves in producing a product that is Designed and Tested by Farmers for Farmers. Our products are designed with the Farmers productivity and profitability as our focus. We measure our success by our customer’s satisfaction.
Tridekon is the inventor and original manufacturer of the Cropsaver. Formally known as the deKoning Crop Dividers, our dividers are stainless steel cones designed to reduce the trampling and damage of the crop made by the sprayer’s tires.
Tridekon Cropsavers are the most sought after by the high clearance operators. Please check out all our Cropsaver pages to learn more details on the Cropsavers and how to find a dealer near you.