PigCHAMP was first developed in the early 1980's at the University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine. The original intent of the product was to serve as a platform for data collection for research purposes. As it has in the past, PigCHAMP continues to supply data to clinical researchers at universities both domestically and internationally. The "CHAMP" in PigCHAMP is an acronym for "Computerized Health and Management Program."
The CHAMP is still the backbone for the products we develop and market. However, today PigCHAMP has moved well beyond the original product line and has entered into new frontiers of knowledge management. The PigCHAMP product was promoted by the University of Minnesota and the College of Veterinary Medicine and was rapidly adopted by veterinarians all over the world. With the growth of the business, the University of Minnesota transferred ownership to a group of PigCHAMP employees and outside investors in 1999. The company made the successful transition from a public institution to a private company. PigCHAMP continues to work closely with the University of Minnesota.
In November 2001, Farms.com Ltd., purchased PigCHAMP from investors and brought strong technology and swine industry experience to the company.