FarmExchange.com is the single source for used farm equipment, used tractor and farm classifieds.FarmExchange.com is a product developed in partnership by two leading agricultural media companies:
•Farm Journal – Farm Journal Media is the nation’s leading agricultural media company. Its magazines are the 134-year-old flagship FARM JOURNAL, TOP PRODUCER, BEEF TODAY, DAIRY TODAY and IMPLEMENT & TRACTOR. The company produces and distributes the “AgDay,” “U.S. Farm Report,” “Corn College TV,” “Leave a Legacy TV” and “Outdoors on the Farm” national TV programs and produces the industry-leading website AgWeb.com and the syndicated radio show “Consumer Ag Connection.”Farm Journal Media also licenses detailed industry data through its FarmReachTM database, publishes the Pro Farmer and LandOwner newsletters, produces numerous large-scale live events and provides extensive custom publishing services.
•Farms.com – provides digital information services to producers and agribusinesses across North America – Farms.com offerings include Farms.com, AgCareers.com, AgriVille.com, PigCHAMP.com and CareersInFood.com.