Central Iowa Expo
The Central Iowa Expo (CIE) Board is a not-for-profit 501c-4 corporation established to provide over-sight and direction for the property and be the agency responsible for the contracting with Farm Progress Show and any other related obligations. The CIE Board consists of eight members comprised of several key individuals from the Central Iowa area, with specific Board positions assigned to the founding organizations. Three Board of Directors members are from Boone County, one from Boone's Future, one from the City of Boone, one from the Ames CVB, one from the Event/Hospitality sector, and one land owner. The CIE Board of Directors has established an Executive Committee, a Fund Raising Committee, Finance Committee and Site Plan Committee. Additional professional services have been coordinated and contracted including an independent fundraising company, an accounting firm, a legal firm, an engineering company, and a private facility management and consulting company.